Is it possible to live a debt-free life?

Loans are like Karma. They follow us everywhere. They exploit our weakness and wishes and engulf us in its strong arms. Most of us wish that we could fulfil our desires with the swish of the wand. The wand has become flatter and smaller. It is called The CREDIT CARD. This card grants our wishes, but it does come at a cost(Interest). The fine print is one of the most complicated cryptograms in the world. We are yet to decipher the real meaning behind it. The unusual fact about loans is that don’t come alone. The general perception is that loans are obtained to feed a particular lifestyle. However, most of us need the extra boost for a whole lot of other reasons. We need them for healthcare, accommodation, transportation and other necessities. We do wish we could manage it without a loan. But we ultimately give up and succumb to the inevitable. There are various legal and illegal ways through which we can obtain this loan. A majority of the population live a hand to mouth basis and struggle with the minimum wages. Even with the right intentions, it is sometimes impossible to repay the loan on time. Of course, we cannot afford the abroad trip to escape the debt collectors. So the common man is subject to abuse and humiliation. Is there a way to live a debt free live? Maybe not. But it is possible to live an invective-free life. Regulation and Implementation of a proper system in the industry can put an end to the burning as well as the silent victims of debt.

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